Gramophone Presents...Beethoven - back by popular demand!
Friday, June 19, 2020
Our special Beethoven collectors' edition of Gramophone is now available again

To mark Beethoven's 250th anniversary earlier this year we published a special edition of the magazine exploring the great composer's music.
Over the course of 100 pages ‘Gramophone presents Beethoven’ brings together authoritative articles from the magazine's 97-year archive including:
- Reviews of iconic recordings
- Interviews with some of today's leading Beethoven interpreters
- Essential information for those wanting to explore Beethoven on record
- A list of recommended recordings from our panel of experts
It turned out to be an incredibly popular publication with our readers, and due to overwhelming demand our initial print-run sold out. We are delighted to announce we've therefore now reprinted it. These copies are already selling well however, so if you don't want to miss out on this very special publication, 97 years in the making, order your copy now at: