Jonathan Biss on the Beethoven piano sonatas
Friday, November 1, 2019
The American completes his nine-year project to record all 32 sonatas

Jonathan Biss has been recording the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas for the past nine years, going into the studio for a new volume each summer. Now, with Vol 9, he reaches the end of this particular journey, just as he embarks on a series of live cycles in concert halls on both sides of the Atlantic (London's Wigmore Hall sees him giving seven recitals between now and next summer).
Gramophone's James Jolly caught up with Jonathan Biss to talk about this extraordinary series of works, and discusses how to programme the recitals and recordings, and how Beethoven's creativity takes the listener to hitherto unexplored regions.
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Volume 9 of the complete piano sonatas is released on Friday, November 1, by Orchid Classics. Listen on Apple Music below.